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Healing Routines After Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgeries require a prolonged recovery time as compared to other operations. Doctors typically recommend exercises, prescribe medication, and provide a list measures to prevent any excessive damage to the healing tissues and bones. At times, there are many precautions and restrictions as the bone, tendons and ligaments are still healing and needs to be held together for the formation of the tissues.

Post-orthopedic Surgery Healing

Immediately after an orthopedic surgery, a low grade temperature, soreness, swelling and pain are to be expected. For swelling, doctors advise a simple exercise of raising the swollen limb above the nose level while lying down. The application of ice packs a few times a day for 20 minutes is also desirable. After any orthopedic surgery, it is normal to expect bruises and blotches and surgeons urge patients not to ignore extensive painful swellings or a persistent high grade fever. They also recommend painkilling medications and antibiotics to avoid infection in the wound. On the third day post-surgery, patients are typically advised to walk independently or with the help of a crutch as per doctor’s recommendation, go to bathroom and attend to their dressing.

Post- orthopedic Surgery Exercises

Generally, surgeons recommend post-orthopedic surgery patients to engage in mild exercises such as walking, home-treadmills, low-impact sports such as golf, dancing, and some special exercises by trained persons. To help post-orthopedic patients recuperate physically, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons developed a very comprehensive list of exercises. Patients are advised to start off with a warming up with light exercises and stretching. Stretching is very important for healing scar tissues and relieving soreness. There are a series of exercises listed for each part of the body. For instance, knee injuries call for exercises such as quadricep contractions, hamstring contractions, glutteal sets and some more. External and internal rotations, pendulum and trapezius strengthening exercises are performed for shoulder and arm injuries. Rows, pullovers and flies and other dumb-bell exercises are recommended for back injuries as well. In addition, Pilates is an exercise recommended for all recovering patients as it helps strengthen body balance and bolster flexibility.

Post- orthopedic Surgery Diet

A study conducted by researchers of the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York reported that patients should not be Vitamin D deficient before orthopedic surgeries. According to them, patients should correct their deficit level before the surgeries as Vitamin D is vital for bone formations. Bone healing begins 2 to 4 weeks before surgery. Thus, it is beneficial for patients to increase their Vitamin D intake at that time and continued the increased dosage well after surgery.

Post-orthopedic Surgery Recuperation Period

According to the surgical team of Physical Therapy Clinic of Portland, orthopedic surgery recovery period varies but it takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks for bones to heal while tissue heals in 8 to 12 weeks. This does not imply that a patient will be declared healthy and fit after 12 weeks; they would still need to observe certain precautionary measures. For example, patients would still be advised against any hard sports such as rock-climbing and football.

It is required that the patients exercise lightly, avoid jogging and other hard-impact sports, eat healthy, take their medications and regularly go for check-ups as long as it is required. This will greatly decrease the time it takes for healing and provide for better healing.