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Manufacturers Can Now Improve Product Quality Through Claims Data

Competitive business environments allow very little margin for error, especially when it comes to product quality in a well-informed market. To maintain strategic advantage over others, businesses need to develop smart techniques that will enhance product quality in a cost-effective way. There is no better approach to quality enhancement than data analysis. Field failure incidence and warranty claims are crucial information centers.

When a product is launched, its viability is tested fully after the same satisfies the end user. Therefore, warranty claims naturally shows the way for better product quality. That is where the abilities of claim management matter. It should be designed to capture various parameters while the product is being manufactured and stored for future claims study. Product quality is greatly improved by statistical analysis of past data or statistical quality control. The analysis compares past data with the present product characteristics and tries to establish the amount of deviation the quality has undergone from the mean.

By doing so, advanced quality improvement plans can be developed and deployed throughout the organization.

Need for Automation in Quality Improvement Processes

It is evident that smart data collection is necessary for quality of products to improve over time. One way is capturing and analyzing claims data as and when it is generated.  In order to do so, smart claim management software is a must-have for any enterprise that sells warranty services. The software has a decisive edge over manual data collection methods and analysis. A manual method is never accurate and takes lot of time and skilled manpower to arrive at a conclusion, which incurs huge cost. The data collected manually is never real time and needs to be cleansed, which is a tedious process. With sales taking place every moment, it is not possible to maintain records of product parameters and track them back when there is any claim.

Benefits of Software Integration

A customer may make a claim with simple mobile-based apps. Data is captured and exchanged with the manufacturer as soon as a potential claim is made. The data exchanged with the manufacturer can be analyzed with ongoing production data or other historical reference data. This helps to zero in on the problem in no time and in the process, makes the analysis accurate. The result of the analysis can be used for process readjustments and revalidation. This will also ensure that the same problem is not repeated over and over again, thus improving product quality. The software can be programmed to deliver customized and periodic reports.

Claims management can be customized as per organization requirements through algorithms, unique variables used, historical data reference, user-level automation and more. The same can be programed to process warranty claims automatically if it meets some pre-set criteria. The information on warranty which is generated can be shared with the marketing or CRM department for better interdepartmental synergy. The data generated can be stored over longer periods of time and retrieved at the push of a click when required. This enhances the performance of the organization in terms of their internal operations. A customer making a claim gets a pleasant experience of a smooth and hassle-free claim processes. This increases good will of the organization which elevates the brand image.