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Is Your Business Protected When Natural Disasters Strike?

Harvey. Irma. Maria. These few names strike dread into the hearts of civilians and business owners alike. 2017’s hurricane season was both deadly and destructive, taking hundreds of lives and totaling nearly three hundred billion dollars in damages. Every year, many more unnamed natural disasters sweep through cities and states, bringing with them pain and confusion.  

After the tragedy strikes, it’s often painfully too late to begin planning how to protect your business — The time to plan and prepare is when skies are blue and the air is calm. As a business owner, you’ll want to take special care to protect your company and assets in the event of a natural disaster, to keep your business from facing physical or financial ruin.

Here are things to consider to ensure your business is protected:

Protect employees

The safety of your employees should be at the top of your list while planning for worst-case scenarios. Consider the following when preparing for a natural disaster:

Secure assets

Damage from a natural disaster could set you back tens of thousands of dollars. 40 percent of businesses never reopen after a disaster, according to The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Even just a few inches of water can rack up a flood insurance claim of more than $89,000, FEMA reports.

Protect your assets in ways that won’t leave you vulnerable:

Develop a recovery plan

Figure out how to operate your business on an emergency basis:

Don’t be left high and dry when disaster strikes—understand your options and plan now for the worst. Doing so could mean the difference between a completely gutted business and one kept well afloat.