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Metrics To Check While Testing A Media Streaming Application

Rich media streaming has permeated every aspect of our daily life. A significant part of internet traffic today spends their data browsing through audio and video materials, ranging from watching courses on YouTube, or other visual media portals.   

It can range from educational content to playing online RPGs. Media streaming has taken over as the main method of informing the public due to the daily increase in data speed. Ensuring that, regardless of the device used to enjoy the media content, your website’s content functions flawlessly for every user who visits.   

Thanks to media software testing services! Several variables, including network speed, browser, device, lag, format, frames, and others, can affect how well a streaming application performs. For your website or web application to successfully create a great user experience, it is important to examine the obstacles associated with testing media streaming applications.   

Let’s discuss the same in this post. 

Why Do We Need To Test Media Streaming Apps?  

Testing streaming applications have become essential because the competition for media streaming applications is getting fierce. More factors than just connectivity and internet speed affect how well-streaming programs perform. It’s critical to test streaming application so you can provide your potential clients with a product that is:  

However, none of these situations can be verified until you execute suitable testing scenarios that cover all the necessary bases—because of this, evaluating streaming applications in various ways is essential. Nevertheless, testing them can be difficult since it requires the tester to think creatively, sometimes from the user’s viewpoint, and to create scenarios in which the application might malfunction. This is where metrics play an important role. Before testing any streaming application it is important to ensure and cover all the metrics.   

Playback quality and robust delivery are the ones that create a great user experience. Now for smooth video streaming, your platform has to: 

All of these issues can only be detected when you test your video streaming portal  before launching or releasing crucial front-end updates.   

Checking Certain Metrics When Testing A Streaming Application  

Let’s talk about the metrics to consider to ensure your app is operating effectively and without any problems. 

Before releasing it or any upgrades, do the necessary tests to guarantee 100% client satisfaction. Testing streaming applications, however, might be a little challenging because you might need to anticipate how users will interact with your online site in real-time. Testing streaming applications frequently run across certain difficulties. In this case we can consider the following situations.   

Assume you are using a desktop browser to evaluate an application like Netflix. Before completing the testing step for such browser-based applications, you must ensure that browser compatibility testing is correctly carried out. But since your team might not have every combination of browsers and operating systems, it might be a little difficult.  

You can utilize emulators or virtual windows, but when the application runs in real-time, an unexpected error could happen that the emulator cannot catch. Frequently, many websites would crash when using previous versions of Mac and Safari.  

With over 2000 different browsers and their various versions running on different operating systems like Mac, Windows, or Linux for desktops & iOS or Android for mobile website testing, it becomes important to choose a testing service provider wisely.   

Load testing is crucial to see how the app responds to high traffic trying to view a particular video. No matter how well you constructed your app, it can only handle so much traffic. Situations where a video unexpectedly goes viral and crashes due to heavy internet traffic are extremely typical, even in widely used programs.  

With such a large global population, it can be difficult for a tester to estimate the correct number of users who can simultaneously access a movie. A unique technique is necessary for a streaming application’s load and performance testing.   

Wrapping up  

As testers, it would be best to keep the various streaming techniques in mind, especially when a new technology is developed and replaces the old one. It is really important to consider the metrics before or while testing a media streaming application. It helps in ensuring a seamless and robust dissemination of your services to the target audience.