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Ecommerce Competition in 2025: How To Convert Users In Saturated US Industries

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Moving into 2025, the world of ecommerce is more saturated than ever before. Many companies are offering similar products and so the fight begins on how to make your brand and business stand out from the rest, much of the time just to be able to stay afloat. For many people, they are able to drive traffic to their website, but then struggle to get them to convert, so we’re here to focus on what you need to do in order to push your brand above the rest and help you to optimise your time, to remain competitive and to help your business to grow in 2025. 

Make Sure You Invest In Quality Traffic 

Before we get started on how to convert, you need to make sure that your marketing strategies are right so that you’re driving traffic through to your website that is relevant. It’s easy enough to run an ad and get people through to your website, but if that ad or the way they’re introduced to the brand doesn’t align with what they then find on the website, then it’s been a waste of money. We’re going to look at a few ways to make sure the traffic coming through is qualified. 


Firstly, we’re going to look at SEO and PPC. When you’re deciding which keywords to target or bid on, then you need to make sure that they align exactly with the product you offer. For example, if you have quite a high price point, you want to make sure that you’re choosing keywords that people will be searching for with an expectation of that price point, such as “luxury homeware” as opposed to just homeware. You then remove one major barrier to prevent people from landing which is finding that the products are too expensive. Another example would be if you have a niche, for example you offer all natural and organic skincare. Rather than going after expensive and competitive general terms like “skincare”, go for the ones like “organic skincare” that gets fewer searches but people will be more likely to land. Working with a digital marketing agency in Manchester will help to make sure that you get this covered! 


Another example would be to focus on your ad strategy and who you’re targeting. Rather than sending an ad out to anyone and everyone to maximise reach, you should utilise the tools within Ads Manager like Advantage+ to make sure you’re targeting the right people. This is basically a piece of AI that utilises patterns in data to know who to target your ads towards. As people start clicking, visiting your website, taking actions and purchasing, the data improves and so it targets people who are more and more similar to people who have purchased before. Not only does this save you time, but performance improves, and so we’d recommend utilizing this. 


By focusing on making sure the traffic coming to your website is qualified, it will make the conversion process much easier. 


Focus On The User Experience

Now, this is quite a big one to tackle, but you should be focusing on the user experience of your website. Making sure that a user can easily land, find what they’re looking for and convert without trouble, will help to make sure that you maximize the chance of someone converting. We’d recommend doing a full conversion rate report, looking at the following components and seeing where you can make improvements:



There are so many different things that you can look at to improve user experience, and make sure you also ask friends and family who aren’t as close to the business and so will be able to spot things you won’t! 


Have Really Clear USPs

You need to give your customers a reason to choose your business over your competitors, and the way to do that is by truly knowing who you are as a business, what you are providing to customers and how that makes you different. For example, do you offer the quickest delivery, if you’re in fashion are your designs all handmade, if you provide building materials like bamboo panels in Melbourne do you use sustainably sourced materials, if you’re a higher end product do you provide unique consultations for your customers, are you the most competitively priced, do you offer the best quality? 


Sit down and really map out who you are and what you’re doing differently, then make sure that is displayed across your website. Start with a banner that goes across different landing pages with the main ones, things like discount codes or free shipping. Then on the collection and product levels, make sure you’re giving information about your brand shows exactly why someone should pick you. 


If people bounce off your website (this happens often, it’s so easy to get distracted and forget about something), then you can then retarget them through things like Meta ads, so you’re staying fresh in peoples minds. This is another great opportunity to push those unique selling points that will set you apart. 


Revise Your Brand

Last but not least, now that you have your USPs, you should look to revise your brand. You want to create a brand that people really believe in, as people do want to commit to brands for repeat purchases. So, to do this, you need to show the human side of your business. Communicate authentic values clearly, be transparent, tell your story honestly and truthfully, really get to know your customers and engage with them through social media and email, then also provide real customer service so that they know they have someone to turn to if they had any issues. This is such a great way to not only draw new customers in, but to get return customers coming through your website doors time and time again.